Did You Know 7
Masonry has been the material of choice for shelter for thousands of years for a number of reasons including availability, thermal mass, fire resistance, durability and sustainability.
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Masonry has been the material of choice for shelter for thousands of years for a number of reasons including availability, thermal mass, fire resistance, durability and sustainability.
"Hot and cold weather delays masonry too much." As an industry, updated all-weather practices such as the All-Weather Council's "Recommended Practices and Guide Specifications for Cold Weather Masonry Construction" have resulted in a much greater construction season without fear of weather damage or delay. The old practice of closing down during the winter months becomes obsolete.
Did you know in NYS there were over 20 million dollars worth of losses due to fires in 2014? There were 19,163 fires within the residential summary (apartments, hotels, and motels), and another 6,403 total fires under the business summary( public assembly, eating/drinking establishments, education, institutions, stores/ offices). Structural masonry in new construction can help alleviate those losses because when a fire happens, it is contained in that area and does not spread.
Masonry has been the material of choice for shelter for thousands of years for a number of reasons including availability, thermal mass, fire resistance, durability and sustainability.
Savings on Insurance Costs. Masonry provides the best fire resistance of any building material because it cannot burn, melt or bend. This fact is acknowledged by insurance companies and is reflected in the premiums for insurance on the building and its contents. The use of fire resistive building materials throughout provides maximum security for future business performance. Many businesses cannot survive the devastation of a fire and the interruption to their normal flow of goods and services.